Orange Apricot Sauce

This pretty topping also adds a bright note to winter desserts like and Dark Velvet Gingerbread

Zest of 1 orange, grated
3/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons honey
Pinch cardamom
10 dried apricot halves, chopped

  1. In a small saucepan, combine zest, juice, and honey. Bring to a boil, add apricots, and remove from heat. Let stand until apricots are plumped and mixture has cooled, about 20 minutes.
  2. Transfer mixture to a blender and blend until smooth. Serve warm or chilled.

Makes about 1 cup.
Use this Sauce for Orange French Toast
PER TABLESPOON: 19 CAL (0% from fat), 0.1g PROT, 0g FAT, 4g CARB, 0.4mg SOD, 0mg CHOL, 0.2g FIBER
Source: Veggie Life Magazine

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